Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hello and Welcome Back!

I think I'd like to start out by saying, wow, this isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Or maybe nanananana to all the people who told me living on your own is difficult and all that. Really? Were you just trying to scare me? Granted, it's been two months now in the apartment in Rochester, so I guess I haven't been out that long, but I would think the first two months would be the hardest, right? The first two to four weeks were actually hard, but not financially. Just emotionally. Getting used to being away from my family and pets was really upsetting. I think I cried a lot then (although don't let that mean much since I also cried a lot at home, ironic, I know). Also, the whole living-with-the-boyfriend thing took some getting used to. There's always the argument over who is going to do the dishes, or who has the ugly furniture, or why I don't have my license so he has to wake up at 6am to drive me to work. Although, if you see it from my side, I bought the car, why do I have to drive it too? I mean, seriously, that was a lot of sacrifice on my part. There was the car, the insurance, the registration, getting some work done on it, mainly doing all the gas payments, getting the oil changed and all that jazz. My work here is done!

Not really, my road test is on October 19th. There was a prior road test that I didn't get to take due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. someone's carelessness that shall not be mentioned since he's been punished enough).

But back to the main issue: the apartment thing? Not that hard. I turn off the lights and unplug cords when I'm not using them. I wake up and go to work. I eat lunch, I nap, I knit, I go to the other job. I make dinner, do dishes, sweep, shower, do laundry, go grocery shopping, get more gas, read ... I think the biggest problem I have is deciding what to make for dinner. So no complaints. I'm trying to get back into the working out mode since I was focusing on everything else for so long. Now that I know I can do the daily stuff and make rent, I think I can get back to focusing on me. I have to write this book! Besides the fact that my mom keeps pestering me to get back to writing, I need it out of my system. I need to feel accomplished. I need the satisfaction and to finally do something with my life. I guess I feel like I'm floating through it. Or maybe it's passing me by. Either way, I feel like I could do this whole day-to-day, going through the motions forever and not ever make myself proud to have achieved something.

So I'm going to go now and try to write some of Chapter Two of Shaken, Not Stirred.

I wrote this little poem to go at the beginning of the book. I'm still not sure if I like it or not ...

This isn't Disneyland

Darling little toenails
painted Flamingo pink burn
like a candle in the dark. "Every
day is a discovery," she says as they wiggle
onto the flaming coals.

It's figurative foreshadowing to the discoveries the main character makes about herself and the major hurdle that she has to face during the climax of the novel. (Wow, look at all those English major terms I used!)

'Till next time, get out there and read!

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