Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No Internet equals No New Posts :[

So if you're like me (a recent Buffalonian who moved to Rochester to be with her boyfriend and find a new job and learn how to drive and get an apartment without the internet because she's trying desperately to save money before she hits it big like Meg Cabot) then you don't have much opportunity to check out Depressing, isn't it? Well, lucky for me (not so sure about you) that my mom still saves me the paper copies and I can take them out into this beautiful 80 degree weather and check up on the Queen City.

Besides, who wants to sit in air conditioning all day looking at a computer screen when they can enjoy the last of this dying season with some quality reading material? Not I!

Which reminds me, in case you didn't look at the last post, we're sponsoring a video contest about why Buffalonians love their city so much. So please feel free to check out the site, the rules, go film some stuff, feel patriotic ... eat a hot dog, check out a Bisons game, or just feel nostalgic, and SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT! :]

In other news, I recently turned 22. Yuck. I miss the Buffalo Bisons and am thinking about displaying my bobbleheads proudly around my apartment. I miss my family like crazy, but luckily I'm coming back this weekend to check out my all-time favorite : ERIE COUNTY FAIR! We get our picture taken every year and put it on a button (so this year marks our 19th button, sweet, huh?) I also am a newly employed Target worker and am pretty stoked about everything but the khakis. Seriously, khakis? No one looks good in them. They just make your butt look all big and jiggly. Like jello. Which sounds pretty good about now since I don't have much food in the new place. Although the lack of jello could in turn decrease the jello-like quality of my booty. Ironic.

Well I'm off since I'm inside the air-conditioned library and would very much like to go outside and enjoy the sunshine before I start pulling doubles at the jobs to save on cash. Also, I just got Airhead, the newish Meg Cabot book I have been searching for, and am dying to read it.

P.S. Finished The Treasure Map of Boys by E. Lockhart today and it was just touching, endearing, sweet, funny, and pretty much all-around amazing. I am so grateful to have characters like Ruby Oliver to sneak into for a while. She's refreshing and silly and just neurotic which is really enjoyable. After all, who doesn't like a little boy-obsession from time to time? I highly recommend it (but read The Boyfriend List and The Boy Book first!)

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