Friday, November 6, 2009

Much Better

So I feel much better, as the title suggests. The car situation is almost fixed (finally!) and I'm getting a pretty nice settlement considering the fact that I was pretty much screwed over. And poor Ruthie was crushed into a small box.
Ruthie after the accident:

Have a new car, still unnamed, that is actually pretty comfortable to drive considering I've been driving myself everywhere lately. :[ I miss my chauffeur.

Got my driver's license in the mail today. Along with a ridiculously over-priced heating bill, which I managed to get fixed. It's not so bad being an adult as long as you stay on top of things. Just know your budget and what cost-effective things you have to do to stay in budget. If that means buying a Sunday paper for the coupons, layering up to avoid turning on the heat, and doing laundry at your parent's house, that's fine. As long as you can stay afloat and you're happy, then what does it matter?

And I am happy. Particularly because I just finished this amazing teen book: This Book isn't Fat, it's Fabulous by Nina Beck. I hope my opinion counts for something in the Teen Lit world (just look at my recommendations to the left) because this one is a must-read if you like teen lit. It's hilarious due to the main character who doesn't realize she's a snooty New Yorker. She actually gets out and smells nature in an undeniably cute trip to upstate New York. She doesn't know what love feels like even though she believes she is in love, and to top it all off, she gets sent to fat camp and tries to keep it a secret!

I don't want to ruin anything for you, but if you ever get so into character that your heart literally hurts for someone in a novel, then this one is for you. I've got to say I fell for one of the characters (although Riley the main character is charming, it wasn't her) and my heart crunched up. I love that feeling because it shows not only that the book has heart but that it's making an impact on me. I'll remember these people. They aren't just words on a page.

Anyway, besides all that, the Christmas shopping is going really well! The knitting is improving, and I really should do this NANOWRIMO thing. If only it were warmer...

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